AI, Kya Bolti Tu? | Part Dokuz


It's been a while since the last post, but since I wanted to get these posts to a higher number, here's the 9th addition to this series of posts where I document my random experiments with generative AI.

#36daysoftype, but AI generated

I decided to embark on a unique journey: using AI to reimagine the classic #36DaysOfType challenge!

My new Instagram account, @ai.chya.gaavaat, became my canvas. Every day, a new letter or number danced into existence, crafted by the ever-surprising brushstrokes of AI algorithms.

The journey wasn't quite smooth. There were stumbles, moments where the AI's imagination sputtered, leaving behind repetitive patterns or nonsensical forms. But even these hiccups were valuable, offering glimpses into the fascinating inner workings of these digital minds.

Here's a screengrab of the feed with some of the generations that I posted.

Check out the entire collection here: @ai.chya.gaavaat


  1. AI paired text and art! Witnessing this dynamic duo in action revealed the playful and insightful sides of AI generation.

  2. Tough prompts made AI stumble. Their struggles became valuable lessons, showing how to craft better prompts for future artistic adventures.

  3. Months have passed, AI has evolved. Who knows what captivating pairings we'd see if we tried this experiment again with today's advanced technology?

  4. Join the journey! Explore the art and insights on my Instagram to see where AI's creative brushstrokes take us next.

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Ishan Manjrekar

Designs Games | Makes Podcasts | Clicks Pictures | Travels | Curious