6 free tips for creating the perfect rewarded-video ad experience for your mobile game

According to AI*

Creating a great rewarded video ad experience for your mobile game is essential for driving player engagement and revenue. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when designing your rewarded video ads:

  1. Start by understanding your target audience and their motivations and behavior. What do they value in your game and what do they find frustrating? How do they typically engage with rewarded video ads? This will help you create ads that align with their interests and needs.

  2. Consider the timing and placement of the ads. You want to show the rewarded video ads at the right moment, such as after a player completes a level or during a natural break in gameplay. Avoid interrupting the player's experience or making them feel forced to watch the ad. This will help ensure that the ads are welcomed by the player and do not disrupt their enjoyment of the game.

  3. Make sure the rewards offered in the video ads are valuable and relevant to the player. This could be in-game currency, power-ups, or other items that enhance the gameplay experience. Players are more likely to engage with the ads if they know that they will receive a useful and desirable reward.

  4. Provide clear information about the reward that the player will receive for watching the ad, and make it easy for them to claim the reward after watching the ad. This will help ensure that the player understands the value of the ad and is able to take advantage of the reward.

  5. Test different ad formats and rewards to find the combination that works best for your game and your audience. Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of the rewarded video ads to optimize the experience for the player. This will help you understand what works and what doesn't, and allow you to continually improve the effectiveness of the ads.

  6. Above all, focus on creating a smooth and enjoyable experience for the player. If the rewarded video ads enhance the gameplay experience, players will be more likely to engage with them. This will help increase player satisfaction and retention, as well as revenue for your game.

In conclusion,

Designing a great rewarded video ad experience for your mobile game requires a deep understanding of your target audience, careful planning and execution, and continuous optimization.

By following these key considerations, you can create rewarded video ads that drive player engagement and revenue for your game.

*The AI part

This post has been (almost) completely generated by an AI. Here's how:

OpenAI ChatGPT

Step 1. Generated the content.
Step 2. Asked for it to be converted to a blog post.
Step 3. Asked for a click-baity blog title

Dall.E 2 for the cover image.


There is no commentary about AI tools, or its pros and cons here. This was just a fun attempt to play around with these tools.

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Ishan Manjrekar

Designs Games | Makes Podcasts | Clicks Pictures | Travels | Curious